Upgraded used oil recycling facility opens in Horsefly
• RCF Program
We are happy to share the details of another upgrade to a BCUOMA Return Collection Facility. Caron Horsefly Service Ltd., located at 5753 Horsefly Road, Horsefly, BC, has received new infrastructure that will provide residents of Horsefly, and the surrounding areas, with an easy, free and eco-friendly way to recycle their used oil and antifreeze materials.
The Return Collection Facility (RCF) infrastructure grant that Caron Horsefly Service received from BCUOMA provided them with a modified sea container to facilitate the responsible collection and management of used oil, antifreeze, filters and containers.
“Horsefly’s upgraded used oil recycling depot is now open; providing residents with a free and convenient facility to recycle their used oil and antifreeze materials,” said David Lawes, Executive Director, BC Used Oil Management Association. “Julie and Marc Caron wanted to ensure that their customers had a used oil recycling infrastructure that was easy to use, environmentally friendly and easily accessible. This upgraded facility checks all of those boxes.”
BCUOMA’s RCF infrastructure grant program’s purpose is to ensure that there are sufficient RCFs across British Columbia for DIY consumers to take back their used oil and antifreeze materials for processing at no charge to consumers. The program also requires the responsible environmental handling, collection, transportation, storage, processing and recycling of used oil and antifreeze material using economic, efficient and environmentally acceptable options.