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Which products can be recycled through the Interchange Recycling program?

Oil – any petroleum or synthetic crankcase oil, engine oil, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, gear oil, heat transfer fluid or other fluid used for lubricating purposes in machinery or equipment.

Oil Filters – any spin-on or element oil filter used in hydraulic, transmission or internal combustion engine applications – includes diesel fuel filters but does not include gasoline fuel filters.

Oil Containers – any plastic container with a capacity of less than 50 litres that is manufactured to hold oil.

Antifreeze – any ethylene glycol or propylene glycol vehicle engine coolant.

Antifreeze Containers – any plastic container with a capacity of less than 50 litres that is manufactured to hold antifreeze.

Where can I take my used oil, antifreeze, oil filters and related containers for recycling?

Interchange Recycling has a vast network of recycling centres open to the public. That means, at these locations, both used motor oil and antifreeze related products are accepted for recycling at no cost to residents.

To find a recycling centre near you, click Find a Recycling Centre and type in your city or postal code. Results will include a map and a legend that indicates accepted materials by location.

Used motor oil is the perfect recyclable product. If it’s collected and returned properly, it can be reused again and again. Check out this video to see how you can help keep our world moving forward.

What happens to the products collected by Interchange Recycling?

Collected products are managed in accordance with the Pollution Prevention Hierarchy as outlined in the BC Recycling Regulation.

  • USED OIL: Oil previously sold as lubricating oil is collected, refined and reused as lubricating oil. Some oil is collected, transformed and recycled as a new energy product. This includes re-refining and use as a fuel for pulp mills, cement kilns, asphalt plants and other uses that meet the Hazardous Waste Regulation or applicable government standards in other states or provinces, such as for mining explosives or exploration drilling.
  • USED ANTIFREEZE: Antifreeze previously sold as an antifreeze product is refined and reused as an antifreeze product. Antifreeze processors are already actively involved in processing used antifreeze to the point where an additive package can be included and the recycled antifreeze can again be sold as automotive.
  • OIL FILTERS: Metal filters are collected and recycled into other metal products. Paper filters that cannot feasibly be recycled are managed so a portion of the inherent energy can be recovered.
  • CONTAINERS: Plastic and metal containers are recycled into new plastic and metal products. Interchange Recycling are proud of the fact that both used antifreeze and empty containers are processed and recycled at facilities right here in British Columbia. Managing these products locally provides significant environmental, economic and social benefits that support our transition to a more sustainable and Circular Economy.

Why do we need a used oil program?

There was a time when people didn’t think twice about simply throwing away or dumping oil products. Today, we are more aware that irresponsible disposal methods not only harm the environment, but also waste a valuable non-renewable resource. Each year, more than 200 million litres of new oil are sold across western Canada. Most of that oil is not consumed during use and is available to be recycled.

And it’s not just the used oil itself that presents a hazard to the environment if improperly managed. After pouring oil into a car, boat, lawn mower, tractor or other motors, there is residual oil in the plastic containers that can also be recovered by registered Processors. Used antifreeze can be recycled into new antifreeze, while used oil filters and used antifreeze containers are also recycled into other useful products.

Through the Interchange Recycling program, we:

  1. Recover more used oil, filters, antifreeze and containers
  2. Extend the life of a non-renewable natural resource
  3. Provide the recycling industry with oil, plastic and steel
  4. Decrease pollution caused by improper disposal
  5. Reduce the amount of non-biodegradable materials in our landfills
  6. Contribute to the Circular Economy

How can I avoid cross-contamination of materials?

Here are some tips on how to ensure the oil you recycle is safe from cross-contamination:

– Keep materials in their original containers, or ensure that the containers are well labelled.
– Do not mix different products together.
– Tightly cap all containers.
– Ask for assistance from staff if you are unsure about what you are returning.

What do the National Used Oil Management Associations do?

The eight associations that guide the Canadian used oil recycling programs exist to promote and facilitate the recovery of valuable, non-renewable resources by providing both larger commercial generators and consumers (small volume users such as do-it-yourselfers and farmers) with a simple, convenient way to dispose of used oil, used oil filters and used oil containers. Each province operates a single, comprehensive, cost-effective, sustainable and province-wide program.

Our work has created new business opportunities by promoting the expansion of a strong and competitive private-sector recycling industry. The programs are self-sustaining – no government funding is required. They also afford the efficiency and effectiveness of an industry-managed program requiring minimal regulation. The provincial associations work cooperatively to market and manage programs for consumers, members and collectors.

How do the Used Oil Associations operate?

Government-Approved Program – No government funds are used for Canada’s used oil materials recycling programs. The provincial associations (Interchange Recycling, Alberta Recycling Management Authority, SARRC, MARRC, SOGHU and UOMA Atlantic) generate their own revenue and manage their own funds and their own debts.

The programs reflect principles that consumers, industry and government share responsibility for environmentally sound management of used oil materials and ensuring the viability of their used oil materials recycling programs.

In British Columbia: Interchange Recycling operates the Used Oil Materials Stewardship Program in accordance with the requirements of the provincial Recycling Regulation under the Ministry of Environment.

In Alberta:  The Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) is delegated through the Designated Material Recycling and Management Regulation and manages the used oil recycling program (as well as several other programs). The regulation regulates lubricating oil and related products as part of Alberta’s recycling program and establishes the maximum surcharge amount that can adopted by the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA).

In Saskatchewan: The provincial government, principally through Saskatchewan Environment (SE) regulates and monitors the SARRC Program under The Used Oil Collection Regulations enacted in June 1996.

In Manitoba: The provincial government, principally through Manitoba Conservation, regulates and monitors the MARRC Program under the Used Oil, Oil Filter and Container Stewardship Regulation enacted in April 1997. Manitoba Conservation maintains a registry of licensed return depots, EcoCentres, collectors and receivers of used oil materials.

In Quebec: SOGHU was incorporated in accordance with Part III of the Companies Act (Quebec) to fulfil the requirements of the Regulation respecting used oil material recovery and reclamation. SOGHU is governed by the Regulation and by the Agreement with Recyc-Quebec.

In New Brunswick: The activities of UOMA NB are governed by the Regulation and by the Stewardship Plan with Recycle NB and will be the object of detailed reports to its members and to Recycle NB and was officially implemented on January 1st, 2014.

In Nova Scotia: UOMA Atlantic (UOMA NS, division of Nova Scotia) was appointed as the official agent to manage the program of recovery and reclamation of products relating to this new Regulation on behalf of its members. The program came into effect on January 1st, 2020.

In Newfoundland & Labrador: UOMA Atlantic (UOMA NL, division of Newfoundland and Labrador) was appointed as the official agent to manage the program of recovery and reclamation of products relating to this Regulation on behalf of its members. The effective date of the program was October 1st, 2019.

In PEI: The activities of UOMA PE are governed by the Regulation and by the Stewardship Program Plan with the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action and will be the object of detailed reports to its members and to the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action of Prince Edward Island and was implemented on April 1st, 2015.