Celebrating 20 Years of Operation in BC!
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Since 2003, Interchange Recycling has provided British Columbians with a convenient, free, and eco-friendly way to recycle program materials for the past two decades.
In celebration of this milestone, we’ve launched a province-wide ambassador program and partnered with community events across British Columbia that support used oil and antifreeze recycling. Ambassadors will travel to family and auto focused events, as well as used oil recycling centres across British Columbia all summer, promoting Interchange Recycling, and creating awareness around the importance of recycling program materials.
“We’re proud to celebrate this milestone anniversary. For two decades, Interchange Recycling has provided British Columbians with a convenient, free, and eco-friendly way to recycle used oil and antifreeze materials,” said David Lawes, CEO, Interchange Recycling. “We are very excited about our Ambassadors being on-site at events across the province—educating participants and spectators on Interchange Recycling, the importance of used oil and antifreeze recycling, and how to find used oil recycling facilities across B.C.”
We have also rebranded and changed our name to Interchange Recycling, previously known as BC Used Oil Management Association.
“After 20 years, we have changed our organization’s name to Interchange Recycling as it better reflects our business, our members, and our future. We look forward to collaborating with more businesses and industries to achieve better environmental outcomes for everyone,” said Lawes. “We continue to be committed to providing all British Columbians with conveniently located recycling centres across the province to recycle their program materials. While our name has changed, our mandate to provide British Columbians with a convenient, free and eco-friendly way to recycle program materials has not. We will continue to collect and recycle used lubricating oil, oil filters, oil containers, used antifreeze and antifreeze containers under the new name.”
Find out where our Ambassador Team will be heading this summer: Event Listing

About Interchange Recycling
Formed in 2003, Interchange Recycling (previously BC Used Oil Management Association) is a collaborative, not-for-profit group dedicated to the collection and recycling of used lubricating oil, oil filters, oil containers, used antifreeze and antifreeze containers in BC. Each year approximately 50 million litres of oil, and 3 million litres of antifreeze are collected and responsibly managed through Interchange Recycling’s network of public recycling centres and generators across the province. Assisted by manufacturers and first sellers of oil and antifreeze products, Interchange Recycling’s goal is to provide all British Columbians with a convenient, free, and eco-friendly way to recycle program materials. 99.6 per cent of British Columbians currently have reasonable access to recycling location.