Two Okanagan Great Canadian Oil Change facilities upgrade their used oil recycling infrastructure
• RCF Program
Two Great Canadian Oil Change facilities located at 1785 Harvey Street, Kelowna, and 1801 Main Street, Penticton, received grants from BCUOMA, which supplied each location with a 10-foot modified sea container. These upgraded public recycling centres provide the residents of Kelowna and Penticton with easy, free and eco-friendly infrastructures to return their used oil and antifreeze materials.
“Mike Bernhardt, franchise owner of five Great Canadian Oil Change locations across B.C., contacted BCUOMA regarding upgrading his Kelowna and Penticton locations with new infrastructure as he understood the importance of accommodating his customers with user-friendly facilities to return their used oil and antifreeze products,” said BCUOMA CEO David Lawes. “BCUOMA continues to look for opportunities to upgrade and improve public collection locations across the province in order to provide British Columbians with reasonable access to convenient and free used oil recycling centres.”
BCUOMA continues to look for opportunities to upgrade and improve recycling facility locations across the province in order to provide British Columbians with reasonable access to convenient and free used oil recycling centres. BCUOMA’s infrastructure grant program requires the responsible environmental handling, collection, transportation, storage, processing and recycling of used oil and antifreeze material using economic, efficient and environmentally acceptable options. Municipalities, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other sectors interested in a BCUOMA infrastructure grant can find out more information at
Used oil is a valuable resource and if it is recycled at one of BCUOMA’s dedicated public recycling centres it can be recovered and re-used. Used oil can be re-refined into new lubricating oil or sold as raw material inputs for manufacturing or energy products. Additionally, used oil filters contain metal, which is recycled into metal products like rebar, nails and wire. Used oil and antifreeze containers are recycled and used to manufacture new oil containers, drainage tiles, and parking curbs. Used antifreeze is refined and reused as new automotive antifreeze.
BCUOMA would like to acknowledge that the Great Canadian Oil Change’s used oil recycling centres in Kelowna and Penticton are located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Okanagan First Nation.
For more information on Great Canadian Oil Change visit A comprehensive listing of all of the public recycling centres across B.C. can be found at