Nine BC recycling facilities receive new and upgraded used oil recycling infrastructure
• RCF ProgramWe have been busy over the past three months! Seven used oil recycling facilities across BC have been upgraded with new environmentally safe infrastructure, and two new BCUOMA return collection facilities (RCFs) have opened.

Upgraded RCFs:
- Hartland Landfill – 1 Hartland Avenue, Victoria
- Great Canadian Oil Change – 45970 Alexander Ave, Chilliwack
- Vanway Regional Transfer Station – 6556 Broddy Road, Prince George
- Mackenzie Regional Transfer Station – 10 Cicada Road, Mackenzie
- Nazko Lake Landfill – 9611 Baezaeko Road, Nazko
- Lil’wat Nation – 10027 Xit’Olacw Road, Mount Currie
- McBride Transfer Station – 500 NW Frontage Rd., McBride
Brand new RCFs:
- Geraco Industrial Supplies – 3377 Laurier St., New Hazelton
- Keremeos Landfill – 860 El Rancho Drive, Keremeos
“The Return Collection Facility infrastructure grants that businesses and municipalities received from BCUOMA provided them with a 10 foot or 20 foot modified sea container, and 1,100 – 2,200 litre tanks. These new and upgraded used oil recycling facilities will ensure the responsible collection and management of used oil, antifreeze, filters and containers,” said David Lawes, CEO, BC Used Oil Management Association. “We are dedicated to providing British Columbians with environmentally safe, free to use, and convenient RCFs.”
The RCF infrastructure grant program that BCUOMA provides requires the responsible environmental handling, collection, transportation, storage, processing and recycling of used oil and antifreeze material using economic, efficient and environmentally acceptable options.
BCUOMA continues to look for opportunities to upgrade and improve recycling facility locations across the province in order to provide British Columbians with reasonable access to convenient and free used oil recycling centres. BCUOMA has created signage for BC used oil recycling centres that explains how easy it is to recycle materials properly. Municipalities, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other sectors interested in BCUOMA’s RCF new infrastructure grants can find out more information at