New RCF opens in Nelson at Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot
• RCF Program
We are excited to announce that the Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot located at 120 Silica Street, Nelson, BC will now be responsibly collecting, storing and handling used oil and antifreeze materials, year-round. The new infrastructure that has been installed will provide the residents of Nelson, and in the surrounding areas, with an easy, free and eco-friendly way to recycle used oil, antifreeze, filters and containers.
The Return Collection Facility (RCF) infrastructure grant that Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot received from BCUOMA provided them with a modified sea container to facilitate the responsible collection and management of used oil, antifreeze, filters and containers.
“Nelson has grown tremendously over the past several years, and the Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot recognized the need to provide a used oil recycling facility to their clients in order to meet the demands of the growing population,” said David Lawes, Executive Director, BC Used Oil Management Association. “The annual round-up events were met with such a positive response that Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot felt it was important for the residents of Nelson to have a year-round convenient, free and easy facility to recycle their used oil and antifreeze materials.”
For more information on Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot visit