National RFP for Petroleum Product Packaging
• News
The Used Oil Management Association of Canada (UOMA) and the National Used Oil Material and Antifreeze Advisory Council (NUOMAAC) work together to coordinate the recycling of used oil and antifreeze materials, as well as oil filters and related packaging, across Canada. Under the UOMA, nine industry-led provincial stewardship programs work in close collaboration to achieve environmental, economic and socio-economic successes on behalf of their producer members and all Canadians.
The UOMA is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a qualified business consultant to complete a study of the full circular economy supply chain costs for petroleum product packaging in North America. The need for any follow-on initiatives will be assessed by the UOMA based on this project’s findings.
The study will assist the UOMAs in rate setting and identify opportunities for members to reduce costs, and identify the more advantageous options and inefficiencies from a circular economy perspective. The project is expected to involve three distinct phases of work:
- Research into and development of the supply chain cost mapping;
- Review and analysis of the mapping results to identify opportunities to reduce inefficiencies and opportunities for circular economy purposes; and
- Delivery of a comprehensive final report and a subsequent webinar on the report highlights for the UOMAs and other interested parties, potentially to include producer members, UOMA program participants and supply chain partners.
The objectives of the UOMA study are:
- To explore circular economy opportunities for the lubricating oil industry;
- To deliver a cost analysis that can be applied for purposes of setting the Environmental Handling Charges (EHCs) and the Return Incentives (RIs) for UOMA programs; and
- To identify options for packaging design and supply improvements with a focus on the high-cost / high-environmental impact packaging identified through the study.
Intended Schedule:
RFP Issue Date: June 15, 2023
RSVPs/Inquiries Due: September 8, 2023
Proponents Meeting: September 12, 2023
RFP Closes/Proposals Due: September 27, 2023
Proponents Notified of Final Results: October 6, 2023
Contract Services Commence (following meeting with key personnel): October 25, 2023
Final Report Completed: January 31, 2024
Webinar Delivered: by February 28, 2024